We'd like to start up the Kennington Reunion again this year!
Mom (Dorothy) suggested we take the 9th of August 2008 in Afton at her house.
We plan to highlight our Grandmother, Martha Emma Weber Kennington. Uncle Gene is sending some material, (I nailed him on the phone). We thought a field trip down to the Weber homestead and then to the graveyard would be fun. The Webers are going to show us where the original homestead was, etc.
If anyone has material or photos or momentos which they would share in the form of photos or copies, it would be appreciated.
Uncle Gordon, Aunt Audine, Uncle Craig and Uncle Gene would you please write a few thoughts and memories about your mother?
Please spread the news about this blog and feel free to add comments or postings anytime. I'm going to do my best to put something new in every month.
I think it can be a productive way to visit with each other and collect material pertaining to the extended Kennington family.
Hope to hear from someone soon!