Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Beverly with Rocking Horse

Beverly Kennington
Photo taken by Esther Matthews Crook
Abt. 1923

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

On the rocking horse

Beverly Kennington and older sister Berniece or Clarissa Kennington.
Photo taken by Esther Matthews Crook
abt. 1923

Hard for me to tell the twins apart, but I think this girl has Berniece's look more than Cliss's. Someone who knows for sure, please send me an email.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Spring 1921 at the Kennington house

Gordon, Gwen and Garth Kennington
Photo by Esther Matthews Crook
abt. 1921
Notice the log pile (far left) with lots of wood chips on the new grass.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

By the log pile

Garth and Gwen Kennington
photo by Esther Matthews Crook
abt. 1919

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Early Photographs of George Kennington Children

Version 1 Caption:
Back Row: Cousins, older girls unknown, maybe Nora Low and ? holding baby ?, Cliss and Berniece (or visa versa)

Front Row: Garth, Gwen or a cousin, Gordon or Gwen? or some cousin mixed in with the group.
About 1918 - 20?

Version 2
Back row: cousin 1, baby - Perhaps Gordon?, cousin 2, Cliss & Berniece (about school age)
Front row: Garth (about 4), cousin 3, maybe Nora Low?, Gwen (abt 2)

About end of summer, 1919?

Options for older cousins might include: Wanda Low (1902), Nora Low (1905), Irene Kennington (1903), Annie W. Kennington (1903), Annie Oda Jensen (1907), Melba Jean Kennington (1910), Ada Berlin Kennington (1912) and probably others for whom I don't have records.

I think Annie Oda looks like Cousin #2 and Nora could be #1. The little girl by Garth looks like Martha Jensen (1915). Baby is still a mystery.
Version 3
(The most accurate)
Back row: Nora Low, baby likely Gordon Kennington, Annie Oda Jensen, Clarissa and Berniece Kennington (or reverse order).
Front row: Garth Kennington, Martha Jensen, Gwen Kennington.

Location is almost identical and summer cotton clothes match with women's picture in the post,"A fine Spring Day" Sept. 2010. So the cousins likely belong to those aunts: Molly Lowe and Ida Jensen. Anyone have suggestions? It seems more like late July after the first crop has been cut and you can get out into the fields. They weren't big on lawn mowers back then were they? A picnic for the 24th? Apparently there is a photo from this series of the men too.

You can almost imagine the call for the kids' picture first, then get all the women for a shot. My mother Dorothy, remembers Dad(Forrest) mentioning that Esther Matthews had the camera, but George's family didn't, so these photos came through Esther's efforts.

Source: Found this series of photos in the "Family History" box at Mom and Dad's. Esther Matthews Crook, niece to George, apparently took these pictures.
You may all ready be familiar with the images. They're done on heavy paper and are slightly blurry. They show George's first 6 children. Please let me know if I mis-label anyone. I'm guessing on this first photo. Your input would be welcomed!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Page 15. The Tale of Uncle Dick's Cave

...and so can Frosty.

The End

Page 14. The Tale of Uncle Dick's Cave

Frosty's big brothers can tell you....

Page 13. The Tale of Uncle Dick's Cave

Those bears with the glowing red eyes really do live in Uncle Dick's Cave in the dark woods!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Page 12. The Tale of Uncle Dick's Cave

By the time Frosty's big brothers were tip-toeing up to Uncle Dick's Cave,
Frosty and his squeaky wooden wagon were hidden in the shadows on top of the hill.
As he ate his sandwich he quietly waited and watched.

Now Frosty's big brothers would see if the tale of the bears with glowing red eyes who lived in Uncle Dick's cave was really true.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Page 11. The Tale of Uncle Dick's Cave

By the time his big brothers were awake,
Frosty was tip-toeing to the mouth of Uncle Dick's Cave.

He was a little nervous and his toes twiddled inside his shoes.
He listened closely....

You know what?
All those bears with glowing red eyes who lived in Uncle Dick's Cave were scared away by his squeaky wooden wagon - just like Frosty's big brothers had said!

Frosty grabbed his hammer and set to work.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Page 10. The Tale of Uncle Dick's Cave

The next morning, before his big brothers were awake,
Frosty quietly packed a sandwich, a hammer and a flashlight into his squeaky wooden wagon.

He took a deep breath and headed out on his own great adventure in the dark woods.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Page 9. The Tale of Uncle Dick's Cave

Frosty planned his own great adventure in the dark woods.
He forgot about his supper. He forgot about his brothers.
And he forgot to twiddle his toes, because he he wasn't nervous,
not even a little bit.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Page 8. The Tale of Uncle Dick's Cave

He was still mad when he brought up the milk for supper
in his squeaky wooden wagon with the big red reflectors.

Then Frosty had an idea...

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Page 7. The Tale of Uncle Dick's Cave

Frosty's big brothers made him sad. Then he became mad.
He stayed mad all afternoon, even when he read to his mother.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Page 6. The Tale of Uncle Dick's Cave

Oh No!
Frosty's big brothers said he had to stay home
because he would ruin their great adventure in the dark woods!

They said his legs were too short to keep up with famous explorers.

They even said his squeaky wooden wagon was so noisy it would scare away all the bears with glowing red eyes who lived in Uncle Dick's cave in the dark woods!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Page 5. The Tale of Uncle Dick's Cave

Frosty thought about the great adventure while he did his chores the next morning.

His squeaky wooden wagon would carry all the stuff for their great adventure.

He would be the bravest of all the famous explorers!

He would protect his big brothers from the bears with glowing red eyes
who lived in Uncle Dick's Cave, even if he was a little nervous.

His toes twiddled.