Close-up of George sporting a handle bar mustache.
Elders Mississippi Conference May 28, 1906
Back Row - W.H. Hopkins, D. Gourley, R.M. Jyppson, W.N. Wignall, D. Powell, W. G. Hopkins,
O.R. Williams, C. Jenks, W.A.H. Hatch, L.W. Woolsey,
Middle Row - B.M. Crump, J.E.Gurler, D. Rowley, L.R. Baker, Pres. E.D. Buchanan, G.S. Kennington, G. Berry
Front Row - D. Smith, C. Lilyinquist, J. Jepsen
According to Wickipedia, there were 1018 members in the Mississippi Conference in 1906. Anyone know of a mission journal or other surviving artifacts from this period of George's life?