Monday, December 20, 2010

Mission photo upgrade

George Seward Kennington

Dorothy had this in her family history box.
Details are always better from the original.

Thanks for sharing it Mom.

Mississippi Mission Conference, 1906

Close-up of George sporting a handle bar mustache.

Elders Mississippi Conference May 28, 1906
Back Row - W.H. Hopkins, D. Gourley, R.M. Jyppson, W.N. Wignall, D. Powell, W. G. Hopkins,
O.R. Williams, C. Jenks, W.A.H. Hatch, L.W. Woolsey,
Middle Row - B.M. Crump, J.E.Gurler, D. Rowley, L.R. Baker, Pres. E.D. Buchanan, G.S. Kennington, G. Berry
Front Row - D. Smith, C. Lilyinquist, J. Jepsen

According to Wickipedia, there were 1018 members in the Mississippi Conference in 1906. Anyone know of a mission journal or other surviving artifacts from this period of George's life?