Friday, October 28, 2011

The Tale of Uncle Dick's Cave

We've been pretty serious for several posts and I'm getting tired of black and white photographs. So with your kind indulgence, we're going to hear a little story.

You all remember Uncle Dick, the bachelor brother of William Henry. I get the impression he might have been a colorful character. He was a prospector. One of his mines was up Swift Creek Canyon. In fact, I believe the cave still existed in the 1990's when it was finally blasted shut because teenagers were up to mischief. It was on the south of the canyon and dug into the north side of the hill, near the camp ground if I'm not mistaken.

Many of you older cousins and grandchildren probably know more about him than our family did, but I do know one story.

When my daughter Andrea was in middle school, she did a report on her grandfather's (Forrest's) experience with Uncle Dick's Cave. He may have embellished the experience a bit - and when I took the report years ago and turned it into a kid's story, I certainly embellished it a bit more. So, just for fun, and because it is in color, relax and enjoy The Tale of Uncle Dick's Cave (copyright kkhamblin) which will follow.

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