Another Jenks' photo - this one taken from Star Hill with Gardner's Mill at the bottom of the photo. This is the road up Swift Creek. Certainly changes from then till now. I see a big difference in the trees for one thing. They don't seem so thick along the creek. Obviously the town has filled in over the past 120 years. Dirt roads must have been a mess in the spring. (I drive one to work each day and during wet weather I come home looking like I've been mud bogging). The Kennington place is just off the picture to the left. If you follow the creek to the west you can see where the red brick Kennington home would be built on the north side of the creek and the west side of the main street.
We'd love to read comments from anyone with more information or thoughts. I wonder if there isn't a box full of Jenks' glass negatives in an attic or the back of an Idaho museum somewhere. I'd love to see his work made into a book. Anyone know the Jenks family?
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