Rough translation of caption on the back of this card:
"Colored postcard from Schmiedrued with post mark 17 Aug 1929".
"Colored postcard from Schmiedrued with post mark 17 Aug 1929".
George's wife, Martha was born to Swiss Immigrants, Samuel and Verena Weber. After a series of events which forced Samuel and Verena from Schmiedrued to find work, they met the LDS Missionaries and through another series of events, eventually made their way to the United States. Martha was born a few years after their arrival.
Pull out your genealogy and read up on their story. They were very courageous in a strange country. I regret that we lost the German - maybe some of the older children's families learned some, but I feel that Martha's family didn't have that exposure. Luckily for us Google has the translator option.
This postcard shows the hometown they left. It is a beautiful - as in Star Valley in the spring - place. It nestles in the bottom of a valley with green fields surrounding it. The buildings are well cared for. The homes look large, but usually held 2-3 families. The weaving mill has been converted to a museum. I believe it may be the 3 story building just right of center. The postcards came from the Museum.
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